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来源:吴忠职业技术学院 2007-3-3 10:05:59 【字体:小 大】










An introduction to Wuzhong Vocational and Technical College

  Wuzhong city is a local city that was called The Pearl of the Ningxia Plain. Wuzhong Vocational and Technical College lies here with an enjoyable environment, the teachers are dedicated and the College is thriving.
      Wuzhong Vocational and Technical College is a fulltime college and The People’s Government of NingXia Hui Autonomous Region established it on February 22, 2001. The National Ministry of Education registered the College on April 9, 2001 and the 《China Educational Newspaper》 announced it on May 17, 2001.It is a unique college of higher education in Wuzhong.
  The merger of Wuzhong Teachers College, Wuzhong Vocational Education Center, Wuzhong Workers College and Wuzhong TV University created Wuzhong Vocational and Technical College. Although the College is young, it has got a long educational background history .The Wuzhong Teachers College was set up in 1952, its precursor was The Ningxia National Publicly Owned School. The College covers an area of 160,000 square meters, with a building area of 62,000 square meters. It has set up a computer lab, a driving simulator, a driver-training room, 2 multi-media classrooms, 3 listening labs, 14 science labs and 100,000 books. All the equipment cost more than 6,000,000 Yuan. The College intends to establish a driving school, car maintenance workshop, and college medical clinic. A lot of music and art teaching equipment is supplied in our college. The campus environment is beautiful, tranquil and enjoyable .It is called “a green campus ”. Campus vegetation amounts to 34%-40%.
  The college is fulfilling “The Tenth Five-Year” regional plan and is developing its“ Eleventh Five-Year” plan .With the help of the regional and municipal governments, the developing committee, the public finance and the educational department a multi-purpose training, testing and book information center is being built now. Another building supported by a special government fund has been approved and can be started at the beginning of the next year .Our college will strive to develop into the standard senior occupational college.
  There are 287 staff members in our college, among them 175 full-time teachers, of whom  35% are highly qualified, 20% are multi-subject teachers and the rest are all qualified. The college hires 38 part-time teachers and 3 American and British teachers .The College recruits students from Ningxia and another 10 provinces. There are 4616 students in the school; among them 2408 students who are fulltime.
  The establishment of Wuzhong Vocational and Technical College was a breakthrough for higher education in Wuzhong, creating the first such college in the area. It will provide the technically talented people for the economic development of Wuzhong and aid the scientific and cultural modernization of our city. 

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